Finally... I have found an article about women soldiers and pregnancy. According to the article, about 40% of women soldiers have children, and about 10% become pregnant annually. Women are allowed only a four month respite from their jobs to nurse and be home with their newborn before they must return to their jobs. Many women soldiers are deployed to war zones soon after returning to work. Some experts believe if mothers were given eight months instead of only four months with their newborn, more women may be encouraged to join the military. Many women interested in joining the military are ultimately deterred because they wish to start a family, and it is quite difficult to be deeply involved with family when an individual is clear across the world fighting in a war. It is very difficult to me to state an opinion on this issue... I completely understand mother's yearning to be with their newborn. I am not a mother myself, but I can only imagine the deep bond one must develop instantly upon setting eyes on her wee one. I don't necessarily think extending the four month off period to eight will entice more women to join the military. Perhaps allowing four more months will make it even harder for mothers to leave their babies in the end. This is a very difficult issue, I think, to give an opinion on. I know from experience (my brother went through this) that it is very hard to leave a newborn baby (in my brother's case, only two days after my niece was born) to fight in a war. Perhaps having a family is all about timing- plan for the most appropriate time to start a family, whatever that may be. Once again, this topic, I believe, evokes much consideration.
What do you guys think about this issue?
I agree that this is a difficult topic to establish an opinion on without experiencing it or knowing how someone in that situation feels about it. I cannot even imagine having a child and having to leave it for war in only four months. My first thought is that it would help the mother to parent bonding time to double the time given to eight months, but I think that a year would be best. Is this what the mothers want? I just want whatever they want. No one wants a draft, but no one wants mothers separated from their infants, either.
I agree that allowing more time for a mother to be with her newborn will only strengthen their attachment, making it more difficult to leave, but I couldn't imagine ever having to leave a child, no matter what age. Those first couple years are so important (not saying the rest aren't) but if you're in the military, you obviously feel very strongly about your job and your duties. Katie, your comment about timing and planning a family is a big issue because not everyone can plan those things, but yes, it would be ideal if we were able to control when/if we start a family. Even if you do, though, how do you know when the government will call you to leave again?
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