Advantage of Women in War
Nikki Wadhawan, a search member in the Iron Hawk search team in the military, is a valuable team member. And yes, she is a woman. *Gasp*. What advantage could a WOMAN possibly have in the military? This war is not like others in the past. Muslim women, as is custom, are not comfortable in the presence of men unrelated to them, especially American men in the military. Seeing a woman amongst the men immediately calms the Muslim women down when military troops come knocking on their doors. Nikki Wadhawan provides a sense of security to these women. When both parties are calm, more can be accomplished.
My Marine
By Nancy Radcliffe
I have a marine of whom I'm proud
So I sing her praises loud!
She could have been a beauty queen,
But she chose instead to be a Marine.
A combat correspondent's role
was her only thought and goal.
Her finishing school was P.I.
(That's where she learned about Semper Fi.)
Although I pray combat she'll never see
She's as trained and ready as she can be.
So, men, give her the respect she's due
And never doubt she's as tough as you.
Being a marine is always rough,
But a woman marine? That's twice as tough.
I really like this poem. I can just picture a pretty girl growing up. Everyone knew she was beautiful and could go far and do anything. She learned about the military and wanted to join. She worked hard alongside other women just as determined as her, as well as men, and she gained the experience and training to enter combat if she is called upon. I love the line "So men, give her the respect she's due and never doubt she's as tough as you." She may not have huge biceps or be 6'4", but don't ever doubt her potential to kick ass. She went through the same training the men did, so she is just as prepared mentally as everyone else. Yes, being a marine is tough, but a woman marine is INDEED twice as tough, I think. Women have to prove not only that they have the potential to defend their country, but also they need to prove that as a woman they may defend their country. Women have to face prejudices directed their way from their fellow soldiers and the rest of the world, and they have to prove their abilities and their sense of readiness. I really respect all our brave women serving in the military- continue to prove that women are just as capable as men!
Written by R.E. Mike Patterson
Strong and True
We can pick her out anywhere, even in a crowded hall
She's the one with shoulders back, chin up and standing tall.
Nothing out of place, no loose buttons or Irish pennants to be seen,
She would not stand for it; after all, she's a Marine.
She has earned her right, suffering with bruises and pain;
The training is not easy; She made it and has the right to remain.
Though bruised and battered and at times her body bent,
She pushed herself forward, her own pain forgotten, as she stops to help a friend.
No matter what they pushed her way, she didn't relent
Because she was bound and determined to make it to the end.
Pushing forward, at times against all odds, doing it all and more.
What's inside that drives her is "Espirit de Corps."
So when you see her standing in her uniform of blue or green,
Keep in mind she belongs to an elite sisterhood that accepts only the Few and the Proud.
Always standing strong and true, for she is a United States Woman Marine.
I like this poem as well, because it describes a typical soldier... which a woman in the marines is. If you took out the references to this soldier's gender, you would assume it is just a typical soldier. When you are privy to the knowledge that this soldier is a woman, it makes no difference. This soldier is just like all others- wearing her uniform proud and impeccably put together, helping those in need, and manifesting a determined physiognomy. She fought hard and pushed even when she felt she could do no more, just as every soldier must. The poem states, "She has a right to remain." Heck yes she does. How can someone take away such a prestigious position one has proven she is deserving of? She fought hard and conquered her goals, and NOBODY should take away her right to serve alongside others who fought as she did. She is one of the few, the proud. She is a Marine.
1 comment:
Both of these poems are full of very powerful words. I really enjoyed them both because they gave the women a great sense of strength, power, and independence. Being a Marine is often thought of as a 'man's duty' because they are so much tougher, stronger, braver, and smarter. Well, they aren't and these poems point that out right up front. It sounds like these women kick some serious ass and there is no question about the respect they deserve.
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