This comic is very disrespectful to all capable, heroic women serving in our armed forces. This comic just suggests women are only successful in the military because men allow them to be. This is not the case at all- each individual is responsible for herself/himself being responsible and doing his/her job. This comic alludes that women soldiers sleep around or have 'boyfriend generals' that they use to gain status in the military. So this comic is what self-respecting, brave, heroic women serving our country deserve? What a lame comic.
Separate boot camps/training for men and women?
What do you guys think? Should women be trained separate from men for military services? I personally don't think it is a good idea because the fact of the matter is women are going to serve with men in combat, and isn't boot camp and training supposed to prepare you for situations that will arise in combat? I think, therefore, that it would be for the better to have men and women train together. I think it's ridiculous that individuals would even consider training the two genders separately. The idea of a collaborated training, as the author states, "Is not a feminist thing, it's not a sexist thing, and it's not a combat thing. It's the future, so get used to it." Yes, women get sexually harassed and raped, but women should not be denied the right to serve in the military. As the author again so eloquently states (I think I've found my long lost twin...) "Let's not punish women for the faults of men- let's fault the men that punish the women... and get them the hell out of service."
Facts/myths about the military and women serving in it
This article disputes many common myths about women in the military. It disputes the claim that women can't throw grenades by saying it's not about muscle mass or strength, it's about learning how to throw. One myth disputed is "Women miss too many days due to pregnancy." Well, according to this article, women have less days off due to pregnancy than many men do due to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Among medical evacuations, pregnancy only accounts for 1%. Another myth is that "all women prisoners of war will be sexually tormented", and the author quickly responds by saying men taken prisoners of war are sexually tormented as well.
About the comic post: This was a very disrespectful comic, and not something I would hope any armed forces would laugh at. This is a specific blow against women; you can’t really do the same thing to men and get the same laugh. Not only does this demean women, but it also belittles any advances women have made in the armed forces. It is things like these that need to be taken seriously, and not just blown off as just a joke. It is more than just a joke, and I can guarantee that those women in our armed forces would not find this funny at all.
I really didn't like that comic, I hope that not only armed forces wouldn't laugh at it but that no one would laugh at it. The fact that people would think that women couldn't earn their rank in the military but had to have it given to them by a man is demeaning.
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