From watching the men leaving for war...
To participating in war.
There were 2,688 sexual assault cases reported in 2007 in the United States Military. That is 2,688 sexual assault cases more than there should be. Women soldiers have been given names such as "slut" or "bitch" from fellow male soldiers. This is completely unacceptable. These women are fighting alongside the men, watching their backs as the men should be watching the women's. Dubbing a person a name as vile as the aforementioned is an abomination. Instead of being viewed as a partner or an equal on the battlefield, women are being viewed as a sexual partner. War is serious, and therefore should be taken seriously. It should be impressed upon soldiers that they are serving their country, not fulfilling their every sexual desires. Pulling women out of the military is not the answer. Women fulfill positions that would otherwise be unfulfilled. Women have the same capabilities as men. The article says men "don't hesitate to tell of their (women's) bravery." Hopefully we can teach men to hesitate when it comes to initiating or responding to sexual advances made by either gender. If women, or men for that matter, feel as though they are being sexual assaulted, should have the right to use of self-defensive mechanisms i.e. pepper spray or authority to draw side-arm with intent to immobilize. The harassment/situation should be reported to an official, where the situation should be dealt with. Rape SHOULD be viewed as a war crime. Allow that threat to hang over every soldiers' head. Women and men are partners on the field, not a piece of meat to be used according to one gender's desires.
Word, yo. I was totally appalled when I found out there were so many sexual assault and rape cases in the military. I mean, I know you're a little sexually frustrated if you're away from your spouses and significant others for awhile, but rape is all about power. Apparently some soldiers don't feel they have enough power, or maybe they're constantly being degraded and their superiors are condescending, i don't know, but it's not right to ever hurt someone for power. I think women should most definitely be able to serve in the military and on the front lines, but if there's all that rape and assault going on, i sure wouldn't volunteer to join.
If we can come as far as to let women serve in the military, I hope that we can stop letting this happen. It is ridiculous that there are that many sexual assault cases. I really like the visual though. It really makes the situation sink in. I also think that there obviously needs to be a more serious punishment for sexual assault in order for the number to go down. Women have proved that they are just as capable as men and they deserve to be treated the same.
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