Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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This is an article based on the video I posted earlier... The outcome of the debate is revealed in this article, so for sure check it out.

I personally really like this article.

From watching the men leaving for war...
To participating in war. 

There were 2,688 sexual assault cases reported in 2007 in the United States Military. That is 2,688 sexual assault cases more than there should be. Women soldiers have been given names such as "slut" or "bitch" from fellow male soldiers. This is completely unacceptable. These women are fighting alongside the men, watching their backs as the men should be watching the women's. Dubbing a person a name as vile as the aforementioned is an abomination. Instead of being viewed as a partner or an equal on the battlefield, women are being viewed as a sexual partner. War is serious, and therefore should be taken seriously. It should be impressed upon soldiers that they are serving their country, not fulfilling their every sexual desires. Pulling women out of the military is not the answer. Women fulfill positions that would otherwise be unfulfilled. Women have the same capabilities as men. The article says men "don't hesitate to tell of their (women's) bravery." Hopefully we can teach men to hesitate when it comes to initiating or responding to sexual advances made by either gender. If women, or men for that matter, feel as though they are being sexual assaulted, should have the right to use of self-defensive mechanisms i.e. pepper spray or authority to draw side-arm with intent to immobilize. The harassment/situation should be reported to an official, where the situation should be dealt with. Rape SHOULD be viewed as a war crime. Allow that threat to hang over every soldiers' head. Women and men are partners on the field, not a piece of meat to be used according to one gender's desires.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Women in War Debate


Hopefully this video debate loads... let me know your thoughts!

EDIT: Copy and paste this link and then click on listen to the video... for some reason the link is not working on here. 


My Personal Opinion... Hopefully my opinion will help you determine your own opinion- I really am curious what everyone thinks about this particular subject, as it is so controversial.

The topic of the aforementioned debate was whether or not women should be barred from direct combat in the military. Michael Ohanlon believes America has a chilvalrist view regarding women and war time. Women "should not have their limbs and their bodies exposed to mortal wounds or severe injury the way that men have," he says. Why shouldn't they though? Every individual is created equally, so why should women not have the same rights? If a man is chosen to serve fighting one-on-one with the enemy, why should women be denied the same "right" (I use this term for lack of a better word- undoubtedly, dying is not a "right", more a sense of a chance of martyrdom). Women have proven they are able to handle and cope with war time situations when they passed through basic training alongside men. If those men can go on to fight on the front lines, why should women, who are just as qualified, be denied this position? Ohanlon says America believes it's for moral and "chivalrous" reasons that women should be kept away from the "danger zones". Not all women want chivalry, however. Many just want to be seen as equal to men and be respected for who they are, not doted on hand and foot necessarily. Secretary of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld says the war in Iraq is different than past wars- (although I would make a slight comparison to Vietnam, just for a general idea), because there is no definitive combat zone- a peaceful village could instantly turn into a war zone. Donald Rumsfled even admitted confusion would be manifested if higher-ranked military women were demoted due to the fact they were in a direct line of fire. Demoting a person, who quite obviously has the abilities and potential to serve as an authority figure in the military, would be plain stupid. Demoting that same person simply because she is woman is sexist. Sexism is illegal, no?